Thursday, June 2, 2016


As people get their educations from social media memes - some imagine that what they are doing is something new.

In my current town the concept of being 'woke' seems to be the new trend for many within the Black community.
Sure, most people's actions are being motivated by unvetted facebook memes but at least they are trying to pay attention to important matters.

At a recent social justice event hosted by 'militants', I asked what it was that they were trying to accomplish. I told them that much of their rhetoric was falling on deaf ears because in the larger scheme of things their Black Lives really didn't Matter.
One brotha' told me that they had the power to change things.
 'No sir. Those bow ties don't give you power. Bow ties and bean pies were preached here fifty years ago - and NOW people are ready to hear a message? Power doesn't have to protest - power doesn't ask, it just does. YOU don't have power.', I replied to the nascent militant.

Sure these wanna-be Malcolms and Martins may be on the right track,
but few of them have any real understanding of power.


  1. [quote]At a recent social justice event hosted by 'militants', I asked what it was that they were trying to accomplish.[/quote]

    Were any of them aware that over 1,000 Africans drowned in the Mediterranean Sea this week, heading for Europe and that 100 Black bodies washed ashore in North Africa?

  2. Really Feed? Most of these brother's received their educations through facebook memes. Most really don't care about the oppression of other Blacks (not even locally), most just want a seat the table of those who oppress.
