Saturday, October 3, 2015

Rebel Allianceworld

Everyone cheered near the end of Star Wars when the Rebel Alliance succeeded in blowing up the Empire's 'Death Star'.

As a people - we seem to favor the underdog, the oppressed, the rebel...
Most people don't seem to have a problem with power, authority or being governed - just as long as those in such positions understand that their power is a responsibility and not a luxury.
(The oppression and subjugation of others are not requisite for those in positions of power.)

If I were a Southern plantation owner during the antebellum period, I may have viewed the federal government as an oppressive power seeking to alter my traditional way of life, my culture and hindering my ability to earn a living.
I would have viewed those like Nat Turner as terrorists.
But how can one oppress another whose existence is predicated on the oppression of others?
Shouldn't good always trump evil?

The IRA, Black Panthers, and those involved in democratic revolutions centuries ago are usually thought to have been Freedom Fighters.
While Southern Rebels, ISIS/ISIL, the KKK, Bloods/Crips,.... are thought to be terrorist groups.

In today's world - has the United States [through it's internal (police) and external (military) overseers] become the newest and most villainous Evil Empire?
Will the world cheer when this empire falls?
Does the once oppressed always ultimately become the oppressor?


  1. lol, obviously - but not only the world - have-nots in America will also cheer wildly when TSHTF. The real celebration won't come, however, until the multitude can witness some consequential suffering on the part of the consumer masses that comprise the body politic of the empire.

  2. There is a small thermal exhaust port disguised as a hot dog stand, right next to the Pentagon's main exhaust port. The hot dog stand is ray shielded, so only a direct hit with proton torpedoes will succeed. Good luck!
