Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ninjas Pa-Lease...

Just Google, 'Celebrities Who Look Like Animals'... Then click 'Images'...
I'll wait...
Some of those are kind of funny - but not racist.
The not-so-secret secret in America is that, MICHELLE OBAMA - IS NOT PRETTY.
I'm not saying that the First Lady is ugly nor that she doesn't carry herself well, that she is not smart nor that she she is not a good person.
If I happened to see her walking down the street I wouldn't cringe.
But I wouldn't turn around to get a better second look either. (It's not that she's pretty - she (like the majority of people) is just not ugly)
She's about on par with Condoleza Rice - IMOHO.
So... Univision viewers.... Back to your regularly scheduled programming...

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