Friday, October 10, 2014

In Local News...

Not only is Beaumont the Saddset City in America (Newsweek), and The Least Educated City in America (Forbes)... We are the place where Darren Wilson's father lives (In Orange - Where the younger Wilson is said to be hiding-out.). On top of all that, the Ebola infested furnishings from Dallas are being shipped here (Veolia - Port Arthur) for incineration.
I can't be sure but I don't think I want sad and dumb people handling Ebola.


  1. Fast forward 100 years, and you are talking colony life on Mars. But not as fun.

  2. Yeah, I'll be dirt by then but I've following y'all's conversation at SeeNew's spot.

  3. I love it when a plan comes together... bwahahahaha
