Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I don't get the chance to volunteer as much as I used to - the club is doing a bit too well.
Maybe I'm a bit too far removed from a subjugated society to understand some things.
Maybe I don't know what it's like to be a victim.
It may be that I cannot speak on some things because
I will never understand some things...

 The recent shooting deaths of Ezell Ford, Kenneth Harding Jr., Kimani Grey, Kendrec Mcdade, Victor Steen and Oscar Grant (all while unarmed) by police officers and the Trayvon Martin murder at the hand of a neighborhood watch volunteer leave me with mixed feelings about the events in Ferguson/St. Louis.

I'm not sure what would cause one to burn and loot his own neighborhood.
I don't know how a town that is more than 60% minority has so little political and institutional representation.
I don't know how it feels to live a life of hopelessness.

When I first saw the story of Michael Brown's killing, I just thought it was another case of some young brotha' being a victim of 'Keeping it Real'.

My dealings with law enforcement have, for the most part, been those of one who is treated as a tax-paying and law-abiding citizen.
Police officers have; driven me home from nights of excessive drinking, internal affairs has taken action against officers involved in theft and prostitution at my rental houses, promptly responded to calls, and I have been dealt with in a way which is common among respectable citizens any times I have had problems.

I have no frame of reference when it comes to police misconduct.
When and if an officer gets out of line, I just go through the formalities and wait for the D.A. or one of his superiors or a judge to clean up the mess.
I deal with a lot of people whom other people probably should not deal with.
A lot of these people often get themselves into situations that they cannot get themselves out of.
A phone call or a lunch often initiates a process which helps these people along a more fair representation and/or dismissal.

Maybe police departments should take a cue from those in Rialto, California.

Why waste resources on MWRAPs and assault riffles to PROTECT and SERVE a domestic population when a better trained and more competent police force could solve many of the problems people have with officers.
Wouldn't a Go-Pro camera be an even more efficacious use of resources?

(As an aside; What's the problem with bringing in the National Guard? Didn't Kennedy and Johnson do the same in order to protect law-abiding citizens from corrupt local law enforcement?) (And I'm not joking... The town in which I currently live was one that the officer involved in the case was considering coming to in order to avoid the media. Our local media caught wind of this and reported on it. This may be The South but this town is ripe for a racially motivated explosion as our school board has been taken over by the state. Many see the move as one that was racially motivated - even though many on the new board of governors are minorities.)


  1. I guess I have some of the same problem, John. I'm not seeing things from the point of view of folks who really have no recourse at all.

  2. I'm kind of at a loss on this one. Even if I have problems with legal means - Ray Ray an-dem from off the block can get things taken care of pretty quickly. I just seem to meet people just before they get into positions which often turn out to be beneficial to me. It's odd, even some people in power(?) come to me for favors.
