Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Want This

JK makes stuff...
From scratch.
But I lack the skills to do such things.
Why not just have the things one wants scanned and printed....
In 3-D?


  1. I'm gearing up to play with one, once my plate is less full. Makerbot. Nowadays you don't even need to be able to program a software file for the object. Apps exist for your mobile where you just take a picture and the file is generated of the object you photographed. Wow! Pretty soon, no skills at all will be needed for anything. Is it any coincidence that the Maker movement is co-evolving with this?

  2. Really? But what if I want to make prototypes and my ideas aren't yet fleshed out? Do I have to cast copies first to be scanned?

  3. I suppose the easier route may be to flesh out your prototype in the Real, like Detroit did clay models of cars. Or you could choose from the be-jillion different software generators and Cad/Cam your prototype. That's one of the annoying things about the software, there's a whole row of coffees in the supermarket to choose from. Which is the best? Or more important, which one is not going to be obsoleted?

  4. Wow,am I ever surprised at your post!

    Whatever happened to the "blood, sweat and tears, do it the old fashioned way, and don't be always relying on technology" that I hear you constantly preaching to your little cousins?

    Why the sudden turnaround to embrace "instant easy product"

    Huh? Huh? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Anybody else with me on this??? :)))))

    Why the sudden turnaround

  5. @ la flor - I just like the idea of having a machine make whatever I can imagine. I'm in the process of opening another nightclub so I don't have as much free time as I used to.
