Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hip-Hopera... Who Did it Better?

Malcolm McLaren - Madame Butterfly?
The Fifth Element - Lucia di Lammermoor?
Beyoncé - Carmen?


  1. The Fifth Element . BUT, I did enjoy Beyonce in the clip . I just don't like her when she's dancing.

  2. Carmen was HORRIBLE!!!!

    I am sick and tired of half baked, low quality, second hand, me-too art or productions that imitate something of high quality, creating a less than mind set.

    How bout a unique, original, meaningful, genius level hip hopera? There is only one Bach.
    classical music will fail if tries to replicate the genius of Bach.
    Hip Hop will fail even more than classical if it tries to imitate Bach (just using Bach as an example. insert your own genius here).

    Zora Neal Hurston was not imitating anybody.

  3. I have DJ who mixed P-Diddy's "Hello (Good Morning)" with an Opera song at the club. The crowd went crazy.... I KNOW it's been done before but some efforts are better than others.
