Saturday, May 11, 2013

I (Kinda') Understand

 They're trying to sell an image closer to this...
NOT this...!!!


  1. Oh they can kiss my ass'!!! I'll go in there and buy their shitty clothes just to trash them! As if there isn't enough division in this country already, with shitty people thinking they're the "elite" ! And they come out with this ish???

    Gimme a break! Who the h&() is going to wear their rags now???

    Whose going to actually be classified as "the beautiful people" in today's world??? I don't think so!

    Can you just hear the razzing? Lol lol!

    Whoever thought up that publicity stunt is a fool!

    They are dead in the water my friend!!!

  2. Made in China and India, where some people are still thin, so what's the problem? Nothing a few intestinal parasites won't fix!

  3. Oh my goodness John Kurman, parasites ugh! :)

    But yeah, so now people can say "oh dahling, I feel ever so beautiful today, let me just pop into Abercrombies, "THE beautiful people" store and buy some beautiful items for my beautiful self !

    So everyone will know I'm gawgeous!

    I can just see these puertorican wise guys over here yelling out " no you can't go in there , you're not beautiful enough" cuz the people here already started with the wise cracks on Facebook :))

  4. Direct and transgressive - he's keeping it 100% - I approve of that message.

    I'm tired, tired, tired, of pretending that every space must be a safe space for everybody - and that nobody should ever have to suffer the bitter slings and arrows of other people's "microaggressions".

    Now how that works out for his bidnis remains to be seen, but as far as the political incorrectness of the statement itself goes...,

    As a dyed in the wool fan of disposable thrift store and walmart "Puritan" khakis, old navy seasonal clearance white cotton shirts, and Lacoste for all my aspirational fronting - I've never had any use for Gap/Banana Republic/JCrew/Abercrombie stuff - so it's pretty meaningless to me and my kids.

  5. CN I've never had any use for those brands either. But I disagree that he's just being politically incorrect.

    He's being snobbish and a jackass and of course it's just plain offensive!

    He could have answered that they just do not want to go to the trouble of designing for the larger sizes, and just wanted to stay with the line they have now.

    But no, he had to make it about " coolness" hipness" whatever!

    So there's no "cool" people over 110 lbs? Is that what he's saying? What a fool lol! Well, then again maybe he doesn't know any!

    Again, I don't see this as Un PC. Just as something incredibly stupid to say!

  6. Okay, I think I have an analogy. Just so I can be clear because CN now you did put doubt in my mind:)

    I make cakes. I don't sell them but let's suppose that I did. Someone asks me, why do you make only fondant ( which is more expensive) cakes? Why not make frosting cakes also?

    And I answer, "because I make cakes only for rich people. People that have the money. You bet I do. We cater exclusively to them" .

    Now mind you, the reason I don't do frosted cakes is because I can't get smooth icing to save my life and the spatula action kills my arms, but I'm just saying.

    How would that sound to you? Bet you'd say " well hello miss high and mighty" or similar, am I right or ....?

  7. He's being snobbish and a jackass and of course it's just plain offensive!

    THAT'S what I'm talkin bout!!!

    my nigga

    accept no substitutes....,

    and there are plenty of working class and middle-class strivers who're gonna eat that sheeple kibble up like it was sexual chocolate too!

  8. I make cakes. I don't sell them but let's suppose that I did. Someone asks me, why do you make only fondant ( which is more expensive) cakes? Why not make frosting cakes also?

    fondant and frosting both nasty..,

    back in the day, my mother and my grandmothers used to make this lemon pound cake which they would intentionally cause to fall to increase its density to stupid levels. It was flavored with freshly squeezed lemon juice and zest. The frosting was a combination of powdered sugar, zest, and freshly squeezed lemon juice - and it was sharply sweet and tart at the same time. They would poke holes in the cake as it was cooling and drizzle that semi liquid glaze on it while it was still warm.

    Then the cake would be let to sit until it was completely cool and that glaze had firmed up.

    If we were really lucky, my mother would make homemade lemon ice cream, which I want you to imagine was like homemade vanilla flavored with lemon juice and a ton of zest to give it little fresh yellow specks throughout the mass.

    Now, I've traveled all over the world, and dined in some of the finest restaurants in existence. During all these visits, I have absolutely NEVER had a single desert that even remotely approached the richness and deliciousness of my mother's and my grandmothers' simple, fresh, super rich lemon cake and ice cream.

    And I answer, "because I make cakes only for rich people. People that have the money. You bet I do. We cater exclusively to them" .

    How would that sound to you? Bet you'd say " well hello miss high and mighty" or similar, am I right or ....?

    lol, class can't be bought and it can't be sold. It's an inherency - and not a market commodity.

    I wear walmart puritan brand khaki's, flat front, peg-leg, because of the unique fit. I like those cheap as hell end-of-season white cotton and occasional eqyptian cotton shirts to be gotten cheaply at old navy. I seldom spend more than $10.00 for a shirt or a pair of khakis, and when I find the ones that fit perfectly, I tend to buy up every instance I can get my hands on. For me, it's a uniform.

    In my inexpensive khakis and cotton, no matter where I go, I'm always the classiest cat in the room.

    So whatever to this faggoty peasant and the offended untermensch who either ate that shit up or felt shat upon....,

  9. Yeah, well I get where you're coming from and I feel as you as far as their rags go, I only wear classic Donna Karan, Anne Klien,..oops.... Er.. I mean ... Goodwill stuff also! ;) (jus kidding)

    But with all the meanness in the world did he really have to add that diss to people? NO!

    My mouth was actually watering on that lemon cake description. For real....

  10. But with all the meanness in the world did he really have to add that diss to people? NO!

    yeah he did..., same as unclejohn has to periodically express his disgust with Precious frontin like Halle...,

    My mouth was actually watering on that lemon cake description. For real....

    lolo, I keeps it 100%, and you're a woman who knows. leastwise you said you bake cakes(^;

    Everything else is conversation...,

  11. bout to be a bad-assed lemoncake coming out of Desertflower's kitchen...,

  12. I'm thinking about it still!!!! Wish you had the recipe! Sounds do gooooood!

    I may just search around and try something, going to copy the glaze ingredients you wrote if you don't mind?

  13. Simple, good stuff to which you are most welcome.

    Ironically, I don't think Michael Jeffries ever met his own marketing standard...,

  14. Lol! Yup! Thanks, ill let you know how it turns out! Of course l bet your mom used fresh from the tree lemons! Used to have a lemon tree. I miss it so...

  15. @ SeeNew - Exactly. Thinking that by appealing to the 'cool kids' he would become one.
