Thursday, January 17, 2013

Who Needs Books ?

I hate to read 'books' on i-Pads.
I enjoy the feel of paper and the ability to take notes and draw in the books I purchase.
I like the look of shelves filled with books I've read and other shelves filled with books yet to be read.
I guess I'm Old school.

But this little prototype seems as though it will even make the i-Pad obsolete.


  1. I'm with you John. I like my shelves of books. The reading technology is not up to providing the same experience. It's gee-whiz surface flash to me so far.

    I read a lot in my spare time, but I invest for a living so sadly most of what I read is SEC filings. I read those on-screen. It works. But the last thing I need is to take reading for fun onto that squirrely little screen, complete with licensing disputes and platform shifts that could slash chunks out of my library five, ten, twenty-five years from now.

  2. I like the look of shelves filled with books I've read and other shelves filled with books yet to be read.

    I agree, UBJ.

  3. I'm so with you on books and bookshelves... until I travel. Nothing beats an ipad on a plane, in a hotel, on the train etc.
    There is room for both... "kumbaya!"

  4. I'm with Bro on this one! And also, books require care. They can get mold and fungus thAt can affect health. I used to read a lot! But I no longer have the time or inclination.

    As. I've aged I prefer interaction on blogs and life experiences.
