Monday, November 5, 2012


I could never understand why hoodrats could never see their own hoodratchettness, or why poor people never understand that they are poor, or why dumb people never quite grasp that they are dumb.
DorcasDaddy provided a nice link on SeeNew's site to a five-part series which explains, "Why?".


  1. Bruh they know! They just don't want to think about it so they lie to theirselves.

  2. I once had some really awful landlords who were so stupid that they thought everyone else was as stupid as they were. As a result, whenever there was a problem a new sign would appear. For example, if they received a complaint that the dryer in the laundry room took too long to dry, they put up a sign limiting the number of clothes you could put into the dryer, rather than checking to see if the exhaust to the outdoors was just chockfull of lint - problem solved.

    I wonder how many millionaires consistently did the wrong stupid thing, but through sheer dumb luck, made money anyway - like, enough money to make them immune from their own fuckups. I bet you there's a lot, given how little control we all of us actually have over our lives.

  3. Well I'll be a ....! I can't even say that! Nor do I want to! :p

  4. @ FreeMan - And buy luxury items to make themselves feel better while making their problems even worse.

    @ JK - I think it's different for many rich people who suffer from this. Those doing poorly suffer more immediate consequences and should learn sooner.

    @ Df - Nah... YOU look for answers...
