Sunday, August 19, 2012

Facebook Ratio

If someone has more picture of them self at the club on their facebook page than they do of their kids - they may not be as good a parent as they claim to be.

If; Club Photos > Kid Photos = Bad Parent


  1. I am not so certain that your equation adds up. I would put club photos of myself on a facebook page if I had one but never put photos of my kids on it as I respect their right to privacy. It always makes me shiver with fright when I see lots of identifying photos of kids available on the internet.

  2. Yeah... you're right Miss AJ - maybe I should have said "Family" photos. I know seven women who lost custody of their kids because their Club/Normal Life ratio featured far too many drunken nights with far too many drunken men and very few mundane life photos.

  3. It's all about me, me, me, me, me!!!
