Sunday, August 19, 2012


Are You really a Single Mother or were you always just a Baby-Momma?
I'm sick of women who brag that they are Single Mothers when it is often the woman's own fault.
What does the woman want?
A medal for having made bad choices?


  1. It's like Chris Rock said about low expectations. At least I'm not in Jail, well mfer you aren't supposed to be in jail. It's the same angle they play to make the Victim somehow better because they endure their self made hell.

  2. Dude, I meet so many hookers at my club who think that unlimited poohnahnie is my greatest desire. The thing is - if all one has to offer is what is between her legs, she really doesn't have much to offer because more than half the world's population can offer the same thing.

  3. A medal? I have to control myself when people claim the unexpected child must have been God's will. No... The kid is a consequence of your actions. Don't blameHIM.

  4. Yeah.....I'm with you.

    Now as far as the one you have pictured, it's a vagina, not a clown car.

  5. Amen to this post. I am so sick and tired of hearing the term I am a single mother as if one should then break out in applause. 8/10 ten times You knew you were going to be a single mother because of the effed up relationship you were in or in many cases not even in a relationship. Stop with the I didn't make this baby by myself and he needs to pay. You don't deserve child support. Yes it takes two to make a baby but YOU ultimately made the choice to bring a child into the world therefore figure it out. I am not absolving men of their responsibility I just feel that when it is convenient for women they play big dog (to have baby or not have baby) and when it is not (child care and all of the expenses) they want to cry foul. Take responsibility for YOUR choices.
