Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Don't "Join"

 But my family has for generations.
Eastern Stars, Knights of Peter Claver, Prince Hall Masons, 100 Black Men, Jack and Jill, whatever... I was supposed to follow suit.
But I hate these so called 'elite groups' which treat others the way they were once treated before they became members of the 'elite'.
The thing is, sometimes one must assert his lineage to others in order to cut through the red tape.
Peter claimed his membership as a Pharisee when things got tough and Paul (also said to have been a Pharisee) claimed his Roman citizenship when the Centurions threatened to mistreat him.


  1. I don't subscribe, or join if you will, to any 'pack' mentality either. But I can tell you it's a lonely life.

  2. There is nothing wrong with Jack and Jill, UBJ. It's a wonderful organizations that does great things.

  3. Well from out West we don't really care or celebrate these groups. I have some of the same groups in my family but it's seen more of a hobby they do not a real allegiance.

    But, I agree when the time comes to be effective if you have a name to drop do it. But, then it's not a group but more of a hall pass past the crap.
