Thursday, May 3, 2012

@ FreeMan & Brohammas

Forget Vitaminwater and the like.
Is there a way to create a line of herb-infused waters to be sold in health food stores?
I was thinking of something simple to start off with first like Vinegarwater.
Any thoughts?
Any resources?


  1. What kind of resources would you need?

  2. Sorry, missed who it was addressed to :P

  3. IDK...? I was just watching a group of women drinking water mixed with vingar while walking at a local track n an effort to lose weight. Filtered water is cheap and so is vinegar. It's a simple and dumb idea but who woulda' thunk that bottled water would SELL in the first place? Brohammas is involved in a soft drink business and FreeMan is ALL about business so it was a general cry for help.

  4. A good friend of mine started a beverage company in India that is pretty big. They intended to make affordable bottled water, which does not exist there. They found a way to do it by finding a cheaper packaging option. They created a pouch ala Capri Sun. They now have a pretty successful energy drink "Tzinga". The big challenge is distribution, as in how do you get it from manufacturing to market cheaply and in enough places to be profitable.

    My personal bias is in branding. There is so much of this stuff out there that you have to be different in a tangible way. HOW you choose to differ matters. the more you know about the intended end user, the better you can cater to and capture them.

  5. brohammas,

    If "Herb Water" took off, could branding also help defend against knockoffs by the big guys?

  6. If it had herbs but it tasted like fruit juice you would have a winner. People try to make people do what's best for their health when in reality it's better to go towards doing what makes them feel good. AkA vitamin in the dog food.

    I have to mull it over for a while but it's a interesting idea. I'm still on the Grape Crush with real grapes as no one would notice and no one would really care.

    Let me think....

  7. @ Tom - Branding is the only thing that matters. I DON'T want to run a beverage company. The idea is to create a brand to SELL to the Big Guys. I want to see how much people would pay for a product which cost pennies to make for themselves just because it has a cool bottle and a high price. I want to see how much the Big Guys would pay for such a simple idea.

  8. I got a multi-million dollar idea for a crash-free, healthy energy drink that would cost pennies to make and could be sold for dollars/bottle from DeeVee.

    I would LOVE to partner with somebody seriously interested in pursuing it.

  9. I got some hot yalla morton salt water at the ready for that...,

    check your email - I sent you and Ed (dream and hustle) the details. Man shoot, I got 9 people on to it yesterday with nothing more than warm water.

    the difference here IS profoundly tangible, and, branding and targetting the market would be key. There is already one entrant, but their product is nasssssstiddy tasting and is targetted fairly exclusively at an already "informed" and "conscientious" demographic.

    I want to hit up the fat and ignorant with something tasty, that they haven't experienced before, and that they can feel.

    pink salt water, ta loco?

  10. @ Craig - I think the first step is to do something so simple that everyone else wonders why they didn't think of it first. Chia seeds would probably be a good second release (ginger, garlic, anything cheap and easy would also work.) I'm meeting with local breweries to see if they can make a small batch of the VinegarWater (Thought of calling it 'Vater" but that seems to be some type of disease.) so that I could bring something to market. I'm not sure if I want cheap plastic bottles or whether I should go with glass bottles and charge more for the product.

  11. Interesting idea.

    If you could make and bottle herb teas that are said to have different medicinal properties, such as Chamomile, Lemon grass, St.Johns Wort et al,. That would be interesting. The buyer wouldn't have to do the brewing and could also drink it cold and sweetened. I haveve'nt seen that around here anyway.

  12. @ Desertflower - I'm looking for bottlers now. I'll probably come up with a business model AFTER my first batch is made. I'm thinking about using eight ounce square PET bottles (thought it looked cool) with an Uglyblackjohn logo.

  13. Other than the obvious, "to make money" - why in the world would you spend cycles to sell people bullshit that they ought to know and do better for themselves?

    Vinegar water, really?!?!?!


  14. Dude, if they'll buy vinegar water they'll buy anything.

  15. c'mon magne?!?!?!?!?!

    don't forget about the all-time favorite "master cleanse".

    a tetch of maple syrup, a slug of finely ground cayenne, and a squirt of lime juice

    (or, help me get the chia into the mix and we can start to actually changing lives - as opposed to simply moving kits...,)
