Sunday, April 29, 2012


Is this a 'uniform' and what are the possible consequences for wearing it?


  1. What does it suggest about the wearer's relationship with the economic mainstream?

  2. I'm concerned that it may suggest "feel free to f with me, I have no connections, nobody cares what happens to me."

    In my ignorance I'm sure I'll give offense sometimes. If somebody could let me know when that happens, I'd be grateful.

  3. Dood, worse by far than the "uniform" is the full ink sleeves this fool is perpetrating. I see 15 and 16 year olds messing up highschool environments routinely inked from behind the ear and the neck downward, and wonder exactly why these individuals even bother to be present at school other than for easy access to other adolescents.

  4. Daughter is coming up on middle school, and we're going to find a way to pay up for a private school, partly because they do require a uniform.
