Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Running Man + Battle Royale

 Racially motivated Tweets and all - I have little to no interest in seeing The Hunger Games.
Why Not?
Because I have already seen The Running Man and Battle Royale.
 So some nerds are upset after finding out that Rue is Black.
Don't people always imagine their heroes and gods to be in their own image?
I've never read the books and don't plan on seeing the movie so I wouldn't know what traits Rue would have that would cause readers to think of her as being white.
She must be a likable character for some to cast her in their own image.
She must have admirable traits if racists cannot imagine those from another race possessing them.
I guess people cannot imagine someone of color being one to be admired or deified.


  1. (nerds?)

    negroe pleeze....,

    the little boy read this trilogy of books like Grant took Richmond. Then he persuaded errbody else in the house to read them, as well.

    I'm about half-way through the final book Mockingjay, and I must say, Suzanne Collins has assembled a very entertaining little subversion of psychopathocracy.

    In the book, Rue and Thresh are black - the lily white weasels crying otherwise have their heads too far up their asses.

  2. No SeeNew, almost any reading which requires one to use and expand his imagination is fine with me.
    My problem is with those who cannot disconnect their own belief system from those in any book to the point that they get upset when they better understand the real story.

  3. No SeeNew, almost any reading which requires one to use and expand his imagination is fine with me.
    My problem is with those who cannot disconnect their own belief system from those in any book to the point that they get upset when they better understand the real story.

  4. I am tired of a recycled premise being used over and over again. Maybe I'm just old now as I cant' stand knowing what's going to happen but NOW WITH NEW WHITE PEOPLE!

  5. C'mon uncle John, you know I had to represent for the "nerds"...,

    Anyway, with the Hon.Bro.Preznit rocking the war machine, international, worldwide, I'm not particularly concerned about what some peasant peckawoods have to say about a gottdayyum movie casting, anymore than I'm concerned about a peasant peckawood shooting a peasant no limits nigga in Florida.

    Report from Iron Mountain

    In 1961 Kennedy Administration officials McGeorge Bundy, Robert McNamara and Dean Rusk, all CFR and Bilderberger members, led a study group which looked into “the problem of peace”. The group met at Iron Mountain, a huge underground corporate nuclear shelter near Hudson, New York, where CFR think tank The Hudson Institute is located. The bunker contains redundant offices in case of nuclear attack for Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell and JP Morgan Chase. [7] A copy of the group discussions, known as Report from Iron Mountain, was leaked by a participant and published in 1967 by Dial Press.

    The report’s authors saw war as necessary and desirable stating “War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire. (War is) the principal organizing force…the essential economic stabilizer of modern societies.” The group worried that through “ambiguous leadership” the “ruling administrative class” might lose its ability to “rationalize a desired war”, leading to the “actual disestablishment of military institutions”.

    The report goes on to say, “…the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until…we know exactly what we plan to put in its place…The possibility of war provides the sense of external necessity without which no government can long remain in power…The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. War has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary classes.

  6. Bottomline, the Hunger Games is about subverting and going toe-to-toe with psychopathocracy.

    Anything as trifling as the race of the extraordinarily well-cast actors who played Rue, Thresh, and Cinna - in keeping with descriptions of them in the books - is too pinheaded for commentary. Yet look, what's the focus of all the commentary?

    and nary a peep about the actual strongly subversive nature of the books themselves...,

  7. I knew Rue was black from her introduction...because she's described as being so. So weird to me that people who read the book totally missed that her character description clearly said that she was slight with dark skin.

  8. I think it matters that Rue is black, same way it matters that there are so many black characters in the Matrix.

    I think maybe one of the subplots of what's going on in this country in real life, is that popular black political thinking gets to be a kind of Obi Wan or Yoda to popular white political thinking.

    Don't automatically assume I'm delusional! Just one line: "don't automatically trust authority," that seems obvious to a lot of black people, but it is something white folks have tremendous trouble with. My gut says of course I should trust anyone powerful. We stay stuck on that. Punk comes and goes, and people remember the haircuts. It's a problem.

    Ok, well, maybe I'm dreaming, maybe I'm setting up for another dumb Obama-type con, I dunno.

  9. All right maybe I'm delusional. But I'm good company.
