Monday, February 27, 2012

Food Fight !!!

 No not that kind - let me explain...
 I have a Jamaican friend who swears that the foods from her island are the best dishes around.
I have another friend from Puerto Rico who swears that the foods from her island are the best in the world.

Both of these women train in the same runners' group but each just recently found out that the other knows me.
One mentioned that she cooks dishes for me and the other mentioned that she does the same.
this past Sunday both women showed up at my house with their best dishes. Some looked and tasted the same but had different names. Some tasted different but had similar names and ingredients.
So who won this Food Fight"?


  1. Most of the islands eat the same or very similar dishes, all that changes is the name.

    It is written and said that in the Caribbean most of these dishes were adaptations from the recipes and fruits and vegetables that were bought over from Africa.

  2. This has nothing to do with food but, just thinking on the photos that all you see in the media is woman after woman with breast and buttock implants! Are there no natural women left? and where are they? Certainly not in the media that's for sure. That last photo you can see clearly the line of demarcation where the buttock implants are placed. Eeek, painful to even think about! :(

  3. Really? How can you tell?
    Fake hair, fake eyes, fake butts, fake (whatever)... .
    I THOUGHT everything on this girl WAS natural.

  4. "I THOUGHT everything on this girl WAS natural."

    Men are easily fooled. They believe what they want to believe...;p
