Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I felt bad as a young lady approached me to pin a one dollar bill to my shirt this past weekend.
In fourteen years of living in Texas I'd never taken part in the ritual of having money pinned on me for my birthday.
It just seemed so tacky, so declasse, so much like begging.
This year I decided to have my birthday party at my club and allowed patrons to pin money on me.
As the lady approached with her one dollar bill, she noticed that there were no bills smaller than a ten on the triple-layered, yard-long string of bills.
I asked her to put her dollar on top and thanked her for her gift to ease her embarrassment.
I then told my bartenders to take care of her tab for the rest of the night.
I'll never have money pinned to me again - it still feels like I'm begging - but I did manage to collect $3286.00 in one night.


  1. Happy Belated.
    I never saw this "tradition" until i moved to The South. Sadly, at the club I worked for, the money would get snatched off of you before you could say what the fuck...

  2. Happy Birthday! Gotta try that! That's done here at the quinceanera paamiredrties too.

  3. What, you are like 60 years old now?

  4. @ brohammas - I FEEL like it. These clubs are wearing me down.
