Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sun Worhip

"Got ist tot." Nietzsche


  1. You always send me Googling John! :)
    I don't know about God is dead,well yes he is dead to most people. Many Christians preach one thing and quite blithely practice quite another.

    My thoughts about sun worship are that when you see that sun rising, with it's rays that reach out to seemingly touch everything. When you realize that that sun makes plants/food grow, warms us,gives us light, without the sun there is nothing! It's no wonder that ancients worshiped it. When you think about it, it is godly!

  2. The Sun replaced God and money seems to have replaced the Sun as the thing most worshiped by man.

  3. and the power that money buys...

  4. Many forms of worship are simply symbolic actions or the worship of something that symbolizes something else.
    Dollar worship is still a huge step down from Celestial symbolism.

  5. But the worship of the dollar seems to be more powerful.
