Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If Music is Prayer...

Matthew 6:7 - "But when you pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they will be heard for their much speaking."

If birds can sing, are they praying as well?
Well... sometimes...
At other times they may just be reciting vain repetitions.
Check out SeeNew (Subrealism);

If birds seem to have activated genes which would allow them to communicate with each other using some type of musical language - is this how humans began to speak?

Some point to babies dancing to Hip-Hop or R&B as being proof of some type of 'Global Black Superemacy'.
These forms of music are often thought of as being simplistic and unintelligent.
But like Barney or The Doodlbops - maybe this type of music manages to communicate on a deeper and more primal level.
Maybe this is a just a visceral response demonstrated by babies.
Maybe these tones and beats remind them of their mother's heartbeat - the life source beat.
As we pray in an effort to get back to God, to a time before we were born - maybe music is the Innocent's method for searching for his perfect past as well.
Maybe music is true prayer.


  1. Agreed! The simple music is more of a primal level relation. This is why the beat of the drum without any other instruments relates to all people.

  2. I think their might be a black musical supremacy. Why else so many genres of music of which most is black created, yet segregated.

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