Monday, November 14, 2011

They'll Never Learn

 Until it's too late.
Most people say, "It'll never happen here and if it does it will never happen to me.".
Hurricane Katrina was just a warning - it was a 'practice disaster'.
We thought of ourselves as being the richest and most technologically advanced society on the planet - surely we could handle a simple weather event.
Before August 28, 2005 - most Americans thought that technology and society would save them in the event of a natural disaster - after Katrina, there is no excuse for believing that our Government can save, protect and provide for every citizen.

 I still do a bit of construction and the most common purchase after a remodel seems to be the almost ubiquitous over sized flat panel TV.
I like flat screens as well but for most people there is no reason to make it their first big purchase.
The smart money would purchase and install a natural gas powered whole-house generator.
These things have become relatively affordable so there is rarely an excuse for most people not to have one.
If you have a big TV but no generator and you suffer from from a power outage - STFU, you have no one to blame but yourself.


  1. Agreed on the generators...

    unless the natural gas lines get damaged. Seem to recall reading that happened to Galveston(?) during Hurricane Ike(?). Shut down the pumping stations. Perhaps a propane whole house generator with a big tank next to it would be better.

  2. Yeah... much better but most people already have natural gas lines to their homes.

    BTW - Those are some nice little Tim Burton-like sculptures you've made.

  3. Thanks, man.

    Haven't quite figured out how to present them, and, as I've no need to tell you, presentation is 90% of the deal.

    People like 'em so much I need to churn out some more at $100 a pop I figure. Bronze, after all, is the cadillac of art materials.

  4. um, yeah. I aint remodeling or generating anything till I actually own my house.

  5. Lol@brohammas. I'm in the same boat. I definitely think about having a generator but I'm renting at the moment.

    Although living in earthquake country I would need a gas generator since during a really big quake they'll probably shut down natural gas lines.

    Anyway, I have a long list of things I'm buying to prepare for the coming big quake. I'm trying to get to a point where I can survive for 1 week without anything from the outside.

  6. That makes too much sense so how about we just get some MRE's and a small one plate burner. Or solar panels or teach people how to use their car battery.

    That TV is ready to go but that generator is a once every 6 years thing. Better safe than sorry but they probably need more of a frequency. Earthquakes happen all the time so most of us in Compton had extra water and food under the sink but that's because there's a earthquake everyday.
