Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Good Guy

Popularity is an odd thing - I don't think I 'll ever understand it.
Having taken over a club which was ruined by it's previous owners, I was worried that the club's reputation may hinder my ability to make it a success.
I never planned on owning a club - I preferred the quick in-and-out-collect-a-big-bonus of consulting instead.
Another blogger texted, "Laying down roots white planning your escape?".
Well yes... that was my plan.

But then I met a girl...
She kind of has a Vanessa Williams (back in her prime) thing going on.
She comes from a good family, went to private schools, has a good profession, and she does not let me get away with whatever I want.
She hates that I know a whole lotta' women - even though I don't know a whole lotta' women - but she understands that flirting is a big part of doing my job.
But this is beside the point.

When people found out that I was taking over, many groups aligned themselves with this endeavour to help it become a success.
The club I worked for just before this one had become the default place to be.
It seemed that everyone was going to this hole in the wall.
I had put in place an all-star  cast of employees who have the club running like clockwork.
There would be no way that I could lure patrons back to my new venture.

Or so I thought.
It's been less than a week and I'm already booked for parties throughout most of the holiday season.
Everyday, people or groups roll through en-masse to show their support.
The gossip is that businessmen and politicians are trying to bring as much business my way as possible because, "John is a good guy.", they say.
When people heard that I was the new owner of an old and tired (but still very nice) club - patrons made an effort to show up in large groups to ensure that I have a nice attractive crowd.

All this is fine and dandy but I still have to deliver a quality product and services in order to grow the business.
My relaunch party is only two weeks away (With the proceeds from the door going to a local Breast Cancer charity - It is October after all.) and I have to sort through all the businesses trying to donate door prizes.
I'd always known that I was nice to people, that I treated everyone well and that I helped a lot of people.
But I never thought anyone noticed.
Sometimes, popularity is not such a bad thing...


  1. Well, doing right with no expectation of reward is nice; and then people you respect reward you anyway! Bonus!

    Congratulations, I hope you make your patrons happy, your community better, and yourself some serious coin!


  2. Selling poison and people are happy to buy it. Priceless!

    J/K man you have been everywhere in that town. Who doesn't know you? The Israeli at Jacob's Deli knows you too.

    You should run for mayor as you probably are the people's champ and that's enough. Since you have a lot of freetime you spent most of it helping people. So all those grandmothers you help probably put your name on the grapevine. People who never met you heard of you now.

    Now you found a woman who doesn't make life so miserable and is probably a bit of a mental challenge. UBJ seems to almost have a complete life.

    Now if we can pick all this up and take it back to Cali it would be perfection.

  3. Just wanna add to my comment of last night I was too tired to elaborate.

    So happy for you! I think I've mentioned before that I've always wanted to have a little watering spot. They are a great/necessary place to unwind and de-stress, and people plunk some money down so it's a win-win situation!

    Unfortunately over here clubs/pubs have become increasingly dangerous and I mean at all economic levels. Nobody argues or fights anymore, they just pull out a gun and start shooting! It's become like the wild,wild west over here :).

    Your girl sounds charming and I hope you all and the club do real well! You deserve it! Best wishes always!

  4. @ DorcasDaddy - Those are my three wishes

    @ FreeMan - THAT would be the forth wish.

    @ brohammas - Thanks... I'll need it.

    @ Desertflower - She's a good girl. She makes sure my head doesn't get too big.
