Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We KNEW When We Were Poor

 No, we didn't have it as bad as the people on Good Times - but sometimes things did get rough.
I'd always hated the show - I never understood how a family with four working adults could still live in The Projects for all those years.. (Although I used to watch it so I could check out 'Thelma'.)
Back in the day, kids ate what was on their plate or they didn't eat at all.
Back in the day, when kids messed up kids got whooped.
Back in the day, people wore hand-me-down clothes.
Back in the day, if one had a place to be and he had no transportation he would walk.
Back in the day, we knew when we were poor.

Sure, The Jeffersons moved on up but their home was fairly modest by today's standards.
No big-screen flat-panel TV's in most rooms, no i-Phones, no computers, one would wear his clothes until they would wear out (and then they'd just be patched), no fast-food or delivery, one (SOMETIMES two) full bathrooms for an entire family, no dishwashers (unless you count their maid), meals were cooked at home, one car garages were common,...
These days, even many "poor" people have these things.
These days, many of the poor don't even know that they are poor.

I'm not ballin'.
In fact, If DV is the Blackest man on the Internet then I'm the Third Poorest Person on the Internet.
Even crackheads walk by me saying, "Broke ass Nigga'.
Trying to help the poor often leads to one becoming (cash) poor himself.
Sure, I could sell off assets - but then what would I buy?
Sell some gold and old jewelery to buy.... some rapper-inspired bling?
Sell some houses to buy... a boat I'd never use?
Sell antiques and family heirlooms to buy... a country club membership?
Sell my (questionable) character to buy... status?


  1. effect vs affect every time.
    But I do think you own a chair that would tip me off that you arent really broke... really, I just want that chair.

  2. Poor people think rich is in things. Rich people think Rich is in simplicity of life. Now if we can only get the Poor to get to the simplicity of life they would be happier than most people.

    But capitalism breeds a certain mentality. That mentality makes the poor dread their very comfortable but no frill life. The mentality makes the rich dread their mundane but not famous life.

    You only look poor because you found out what you don't need. Capitalism is a game for you to jump in and out of as you need. I'm sure to the Rich they say you can be like us and here's how. To the Poor people think what the hell are you doing here with us. Truth be told you're satisfaction comes from walking on this earth wherever you please and interacting with whomever you please. And, that's being Rich!

  3. You can send me the pink and green Kitchen Aids thank you. I've never stopped thinking about those lovely's :P
