Monday, August 1, 2011

New Knowledge

 Is your cause worth dying for or is it better for you to just stay alive even if it compromises your values?
Christ was killed because he brought knowledge to the masses.
This knowledge was power and the elites of his day would have none of that...
 The same type of elevation of consciousness was taught by those like Martin Luther and Malcolm X as well.
 Prometheus was punished for all eternity (Or as long as their religion existed) for bringing fire to man.
Apparently, man was supposed to remain in darkness.
And don't even get me started on he who would entice the first man to partake in the knowledge of the heavens.
Since the beginning of time - he who would give the knowledge of the elites to the masses would be punished.

Apparently, giving knowledge to the masses is the most punishable of sins.
And who wants to be a martyr?


  1. One has to ask himself if there is a better way to be effective and constantly search for it. Ultimately someone may choose the role of the martyr to get their point across but it surely wasn't their first way to change the culture.

  2. Yeah, idealy one would like to be a member of an all-star cast which expects to win and does.
