Monday, August 1, 2011

Ghetto Breakfast?

FreeMan just hit me up with this.
Are times getting this tough?


  1. When I was a kid in Compton we made fried Chicken Bologna sandwiches and even that was a last resort. It was ghetto creativity at it's best but I didn't know it was part of Southern Cuisine! Damn!

  2. Some of my (Mexican) cousins call it a "Mexican Round Steak" while other cousins call it "Delicious".
    A LAST resort is right - that ish makes me (almost) vomit just thinking about it.

  3. While contemplating a raw hotdog, pre microwave, my wife and I discussed if anyone actually likes bologna. I see it all the time in the deli... good deli's, but seriously, who likes it?
    Mrs.Hammas told about her "step-Dad" thinkin he was doin something when he fried bologna.

    Still bologna

  4. lol@thinkin he was doin something...,

  5. I like salami,with ham and turkey breast and mayo and lettuce and tomato on rye. Bologni by itself, not so much, but if I stuck a slice in there I would also like it.
    You know what I can also eat now, because its so greasy it slides down my burnt throat easier, Spam! Yes Spam! Day before yesterday I bought a can and fried it all, ate a few slices myself while sharing the rest with my three dogs! They love it too! Especially the part where we were all chewing together!:) I like to bond with them! :))))

  6. LMBAO@ate a few slices myself while sharing the rest with my three dogs!

  7. I threw it to them! What's so funny???:)))
    I mean we didn't all eat off the same plate or anything like that!!!

  8. Damn I was just laughing at the sharing of SPAM with the dogs. I wasn't implying anything else.

    It was meant in the context of horrible food ideas and you brought up spam and then you gave it to the dogs.

  9. shhh..., DF!!!

    now she know that you know and we know about the special relationship!

    and puh-leeze whatever you do, don't say NOTHIN bout kissin - uh, nevermind....,

  10. LMBAO I wasn't saying that at all but I was thinking it a little bit.

  11. Eew! That cannot be a real food product.

  12. @DF: LOLOL! I was kidding too :)))

    @CNu: Noooooo LOLOL, ugh, I never kiss them, ugh! I don't even touch their food bowls without gloves on.I'm very careful about germs.
    Actually they're working dogs because there have been a lot of break ins around here and I spend a lot of time alone here, so the dogs are alarms if you will. They will bark their heads off at any stranger that approaches the gate. Also the fact that they are pits, even though they are not trained to attack or anything, but that usually intimidates. ;)
