Friday, August 5, 2011


Okay brohammas, let me get this straight.
 So... Satan is allowed limited access into heaven because he is 'family'?
Are you saying that...
Satan is the heavenly family's version of 'Gator'?
("I smoked the TV, mama.")


  1. Is it funnier that you call him Gator or that I actually know what you are talking about?

    When you say "given limited access" you skew what I'm saying just a bit. Satan has a role, going back to rebellion in pre Earth heaven, because he is part of the fam just like you and me.
    Dude smoked the TV and got his tail kicked out.
    Because he is family he knows a bit about us. You know the cousin who is cracked out and when you see him in the street he's like "don't act all good... I know you used to hit Ray-Ray when auntie wasn't lookin!"
    HE got the boot, so does not have access to heaven now... but we arent in heaven right now and he has access to US.
