Friday, July 22, 2011

The World's Smartest Man

No, he didn't 'invent' music - he didn't even invent Hip Hop.
Seminal/derivative... does it matter?
Original idea or better marketing?
P-did manage to take an under-exploited resource and repackage it to sell to the masses.
Sure, he just took what everyone had done before him and sold it as his own - but isn't this how many measure I.Q. and success anyway?
Didn't most great 'inventors' appropriate the ideas of others only to pass them off as their own original ideas or concepts?


  1. smart? sure. Smartest? Takes more than a few million and some Biggie re-releases to get that title. All it took was one season of "Making the Band" to convince me he surely isn't the smartest.

  2. i don't know about PDiddy, but they say Einsteins work is solely his wife's which he appropriated. I've read he was a lazy and his wife did all the work and actually desreves the credit! True? I dunno, that's what I've heard. LOL!
