Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Asleep at the Wheel

 Prisons, ports and plants provide moderately high paying jobs which require little to no education.
These industries are the most common in the area I currently live.
 Whenever I see a story on the news of a prison riot, a refinery explosion or a tanker crash, "Someone fell asleep.", is what I think to myself.
 I know several people who work at refineries and most mention that they sleep most of their shift away.
Apparently, sleeping while at work is a common and acceptable practice.

Long, dull hours create an environment where one can become lulled into complacency.
When Air Traffic Controllers get caught sleeping on the job - it is what I've come to expect from those who go to work to collect a paycheck with little to no regard for his quality of work.


  1. Can you blame them? I mean how boring is this type of work? Should they stand at attention like soldiers? and for what...

    Most families in this country today are living from paycheck to paycheck. With no savings in the bank. So what kind of motivation should they have in these boring, meaningless jobs that you describe?

    It's the way of the future John, the way of the future...

  2. and what's with the dominatrix with the whip in her hand?
    Holy cow, they have those kind of prison jobs in Texas???


  3. Sure, most jobs ARE boring but that's why people get PAID to do them.

    That woman...?
    If they do, I'm commiting a crime tonight...

  4. most employees meet the supervisors expectations, no matter what those expectations are.

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