Saturday, June 4, 2011

Go Back To Africa?

 It amazes when one group says that another group is taking over 'their' country.
I don't think that Sarah Palin and her Teabaggers are Native Americans.
 And I don't think that the Shackle-Draggers (no offense) in Australia are Native to that land either.
And don't even get me started on the English and/or Dutch settlers in South Africa complaining about indigenous peoples taking back their lands.


  1. Is the photo up top a member of your tribe? What do folk need to do in order to join this tribe? What do I need to do in order to get into this tribe?

  2. Dood, let Me know and I'll change inna second.
    Most of the Injuns of my tribe are a bit overweight and lazy from casino revenue.
    That gurl there...?

  3. Dude if I'm going anywhere, I'll be going back to Alabama.

  4. Well. A lot of black people in South Africa are descended from recent settling Bantu immigrants. Bantu are a bit like the white colonisers of Africa. They trace to a little area in West Africa. It's called the Bantu expansion. They have very little to do with native Africans in the south, like the Bushmen like people, who were few and far between. The Africans taking people's farms and killing people, generally are not from there, they are stealing. The white people beat them there this time, but as the land was mostly empty, I don't know if the origin whites just fitted in alongside the original Africans, like migrations in ancient times, where the land was largely uninhabited, or if there was a lot of displacement. But, a lot of the SA stuff is rubbish, with white south Africans protecting from colonising immigrants. Ironic.
