Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Things One Learns

We weren't bad kids - we were just kids.
But one thing we learned was how to break into those little security bars people put on their windows and doors.
As one of my cousins locked herself out of her house - this skill could be put to good use.
The trick is for a kid to hug two bars until they are slightly bent.
The next step is to grab one of the bent bars with both hands and begin to wiggle it until friction causes the weld to heat and then break,
If one repeats this, he is able to make a large enough hole for him to climb through.
After about half an hour, my cousin's son could crawl through the open window and unlock the front door.
I guess she doesn't feel as safe in her home now that she knows that even a kid can break through those security bars and gain access to her home in no time at all.


  1. Well they have a job for Brinks! The super felon usually has a job helping the good guys catch a mediocre felon.

    The way you got those bars open is lucky it was their own house. By that time someone who thinks this would work on someone else house may see Jesus earlier than they planned.

  2. I know, right.
    We learned how to do this to break into our neighborhood pool during the Winter.
    If I would have tried this at someones house I wouldn't be here to write about it.
