Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's The Food

Or what's in it.

When asked whether food allergies could be what is causing more people to become fat, (blogger) DMG said that such thinking was ignorant on my part.
That food intolerance would cause one to lose weight.

But DMG is a surgeon.
He fixes problems after the fact.
Apparently there is a connection between food allergies and weight gain.
And with 'newer and better' food products being introduced into our diets everyday - maybe the bodies of many people are just trying to fight back.
Maybe the increased rate of obesity is just a natural reaction to the unnatural steroids, antibiotics and hormones being used in our food.


  1. My youngest sister has a problem with fructose. It passes into her system very easily and is then converted to fat. Since going on a fructose free diet she can maintain a good weight that is appropriate to her frame. It is not an intolerance per se but certainly a food problem causing fat.

  2. But don't most people have the same problem?
    Processed food is so easily consumed that it fails to be properly digested. (Maybe)
    I think the way we eat may also have something to do with it.
