Thursday, May 5, 2011

It Takes Time

A woman asked if I could re-landscape her yard.
"Nope, but I'll help you do it.", I replied.
After digging, planting and watering, "I'm proud of myself!", she said.
"How much money did I save?", she asked.
"About $500.", I said.
Being a Cancer survivor and a Diabetic and on a cabinet full of pills, she said that she hadn't had that much exercise in years.
"I could do this everyday!", she said.
The exercise, the Vitamin D and the money saved seemed to be an afterthought.


  1. Why would she think about exercise and Vitamin D when she is a cancer survivor and Diabetic.

    I wouldn't think about Vitamin D either.

  2. Vitamin D, as in Dollar maybe... when I don't have that kind of vitamin its hard to think about much else.

  3. @ FreeMan - One of the pills she takes is a calcium suplement. The added vitamin D helps maintain calcium stores. Being overwieight, she needs the exercise - and being a Cancer survivor, she should limit the times she takes medications.

    @ FreeMan - Makin $130k+ in this small market is doing pretty well. Many of our problems are caused by the choices we make.
