Friday, May 13, 2011


 What they don't tell you about your favorite vacation spots is that most people living in these areas cannot afford the same accommodations which you enjoy.

When I used to ride the bus from Honolulu back to campus I'd always notice people camping out on or near the eastern beaches of Oahu.
"Wow, that would be a nice vacation!", I said to a local.
"Nah, brodda'. These people live here.", he said.
At the next stop, "Dat's my 'house.", the guy said as he motioned towards the next bus stop.
"Oooh, that's nice.", I said as I looked at the spacious home.
"Nah, brodda', the third tent.", he said.
I'd see and talk the to guy most weekends on my way to and from the clubs and shops of Waikiki.
The guy worked at one of the hotels but could not yet afford to pay for an apartment in the city.

Sure, life on the beach sounds nice...
But what if you actually had to live on the beach.
Oahu's nearby hillsides are filled with wild game, the ocean has enough fish and most parks provide free water.
What else would you need?


  1. LOL! You would need all the amenities that a human being needs to survive. Because animals being stronger and better prepared can live in nature. The human cannot.

  2. What? Many of us have become to soft to live with TV's?

  3. "Brudda". Took me back to an old Fijian roommate of mine. "Hey basso, you a funny brudda."

    Vacations in no way give people a taste of local culture... unless you really try.
