Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The F.O.G.

Don't get me wrong, I've been through some hard times.
But just like the good times, the hard times never last.
(Which is odd. Whenever everything is going well, some people can't enjoy it because they fear that something bad is about to happen. But when everything is going wrong, no one stops to enjoy it knowing that things are about to get better. Maybe it's the human condition. IDK)
Even now, I'm so deeply invested in other peoples' well being to the point that if things don't work out for them I may not be able to recover financially.
But I'm a gambling man by nature and it's far better to gamble on others doing well than it is to gamble on slots.
If I go broke, so what.
I'll just do something to make it all back.

It seems that I always do well under difficult conditions.
I've been hella' poor, jumped, shot at, cheated, lied on, hated on, whatever... .
But I always ended up on top.
Some attribute this to 'luck', others 'Karma' and still others 'being blessed'.
In all honesty, I do think it's having the Favor of God.
I can't explain it but I've never felt worthless - even when the drug and alcohol fueled rants from my parents told me so.
I've never felt hopeless - even when my environment taught me that I should be.
I've never felt dumb - even when I had yet to learn what was to be taught.
I've never felt poor - even when I had nothing.
I've never felt inferior - even though there were/are people much better than me.

The bible says, "Where much is given, much is expected.".
If this is the case, aren't faith and hope the greatest gifts to be given?
If one receives these, shouldn't he give freely to others without the expectation of being rewarded?


  1. I like you have a internal belief in myself not determined by circumstances or the words of others. But, faith and hope can't be given because you and I learned it by trials to know things are never that bad. In fact you have lived through enough to know life can be frustrating but it is never hopeless. Others haven't lived that to know that truth. So you can give freely without expectation of being rewarded primarily because the knowledge you impart is worth more than whatever means or resources you had to sacrifice to get it through their thick ass heads.

  2. Dude, I've wanted to buy this little four story building for the past four years (Needs a complete rehab.). This year another building came on the market at a really good price and it needs very little work done. But I always seem to meet people who need help more than I need a building. I'd like to be a real estate mogul (I think) but having more people doing well always seems more important.
    Needless to say, I probably won't be able to buy either building this year.
