Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Odious Debt

 As Icelanders refused to repay Britain and the Netherlands as a result of the collapse of Icesave back in 2008 -  international bankers and governments are taking note.
What if more people declared the debts incurred by their banks and governments as being Odious Debt?
What if the guppies turned on the big fish?
What if more people woke up to the fact that they are really the ones in control and that debt is a means for surrendering ones control to others? Maybe the Deep State feared this realization when assassinations were carried out back in the sixties.
If minorities started to gain control of their own lives - how much better would it be for everyone else?
What if everyone asserted his power to make things more equitable for everyone?
What if the government was really run '...of the people, by the people, for the people...'?

(Concept jacked from SeeNew)


  1. Although I know little of the whole abysmal event of the demise of the ice-save bank I have always thought it appalling that a handful of greedy investors in Britain and the Netherlands could hold a whole nation of people responsible for the poor governance of the bank that led to its failure. Surely the Icelandic people didn't take part in a vote to set up the bank so how can it be their collective responsibility to pay the debt off.

    I lost almost all my savings in the GFC but I am not holding the people of Belgium responsible because the brokers I used were based there.

  2. Debt:
    1989 - Reagan 2.9 T in debt (Grenada – Nicaragua)
    1993 - 4.4 T
    2001 - 5.9 T Bush II
    2008 - 11.9 T
    Now 14 T
    Tax Cuts of the Rich and Paying for the Costs of War
    Debt level rose 70 times since 1962

  3. Man, its been almost a month... this new girlfriend thing must be working out.

  4. brohammas is truth!

    all that piss and vinegar formerly channeled into blogger has found alternative "release"....,

  5. Where did UBJ go???

  6. UBJaaaaaaaay! Come out, come out wherever you are!!! I'ma count to 100,reeeeeeeeeeeeal slowly........................1..........2......................................................3...................................................4.......................................................................5..................................................6..........................................................7......................................
