Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Make Work

 So, The Man is keeping you down, or you can't find a job, or they're not hiring any of us?
Ne-ga-ro Please!
Why are you looking for complex solutions for simple problems?
When I first moved to this town I just did my own thing.
I didn't work for three or four years.
As long as my bills were paid, I could go out to dinner, and I could shop for what I wanted - why bother working?

But if you're not making money, chances are that you're spending money.
So I applied for simple jobs.
Most managers and business owners looked at my employment gaps and figured that I had been in jail or something.
No one would hire me.

I didn't really want to work for anyone (I just needed to have some type of structure to my life) so I decided to work for any Black business for free.
I learned new skills and the owners got free labor.
It was a win-win for each of us.
But I'd get bored.
When I'd get bored I'd give about a months notice and be on my way.

The job I often performed for free was that of running bars and nightclubs.
The show Kitchen Nightmares has nothing on the mishaps of a business owner who opens a club to satisfy his ego.
With so much cash changing hands on any given night, this industry is made for corruption..
But I did well with these clubs.
After a while I had made all the right connections and created a reputation for success.

I don't like the nightclub industry - I'm bored by it.
But club owners always seek me through word of mouth and they make offers which I cannot refuse.
(I guess they figure out that giving up 30% of a lot of money is better than having 100% of no money.)
In the end, I didn't find a job - I made one.

1 comment:

  1. Well like you I am thinking about doing the same thing because I have absolutely nothing to do but workout. I think you are glossing over the luxury of having enough money not to need to work at all.

    It's a helluva lot easier to think when you're stomach isn't growling.
