Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It (Change) Begins With Us

 Whether one follows the mantra of Obama (It Begins With Us) or Romney (Change Begins With Us), the message is simple - we have to be responsible for our own well-being.
JFK said it better when he encouraged all Americans to, "... Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.".
When a politician uses the word "Us", for most of us (the citizenry) it really means them (those in power seeking to retain power and influence).
When they promise that "We" will all benefit from an action, they really mean that they will benefit.
Obama, Romney, or any political leader should say what needs to be said, "It (Change) Begins With You!".


  1. I have yet to see a person get motivated to action when you tell them to fix it yourself. They already know that! I think it goes over better when you change the you to US like we are all at Weight Watchers together and it's a team thing.

  2. Yeah... I know.
    But like the show Undercover Millionaire or Secret Millionaire (or something like that) - I think the most effective way to make a difference is by helping those who are already doing the work.
    People who need to be motivated out of suffering have already settled.

  3. I agree but it's a double edged sword. Anyone who gives money wants to have some say in what's going on. So even they will donate only if they do exactly as they say to do with it. That show probably cuts out the part about what they would like to see done with the money.

    Most people just complain about life and as long as they are complaining that means they have enough food in their stomach so they aren't starving. We can just walk by them and get to the people who are starving.
