Monday, April 11, 2011

Because He's Black?

 Okay... let me get this straight.
We (Blacks) are not allowed to say anything bad about a poorly performing Black politician 'Because He's Black"?
 Because he's is seen as being representative of you and me?
You mean to tell me that we cannot point out flaws or choose better options solely because he who is in power happens to be Black?
I'm not saying that Obama has done anything as egregious or nefarious as Kwame or Marion - but the man's policies are flawed. (As are all politicians')
But we (Blacks) cannot point these out because he is Black?
Negro Pa-lease.


  1. UBJ, you get my official cheap shot of the week award. Let's see, you opened with 2 rascals and then slide in President Obama... Negro please :-)

    Look, I don't know who you've been talking to but I don't know who said we couldn't point out missteps. I mean, what right minded adult couldn't find some fault in our present administration? But to imply that we should stay mum??? Who said that? But I have said I've yet to understand the purpose of some fools talking about sh*t they know little or nothing about. Come on, you've seen those silly MF'ers. Sure, who hasn't seen those suckass get along negros. They will sellout they momma just to be part of a crowd.

    I say a person can do as they please but please have a defined purpose or goal in mind, if they are going to bad mouth the president. And please, it would be nice if the wayward negros knew what the fk they were talking about.

    I mean, any ol' bottom feeding negro can sit around and talk sh*t (and that's their right). However, that does not take any skills.

    In short, no purpose and no direction = FAILURE!

  2. @ Carey - Actually, I was thinking more local.
    I've been having battles with people who support our local political leaders just because they are Black - yet still ineffective.
    When I point out that their (our local leaders') job is to make things better - not just to collect a large paycheck, "At least they're Black", is what A LOT of people here say to me.

    "Bitch, that's why yo'ass is still poor and that's why your kids will always be poor.", I said.
    (Needless to say, Negroes were almost ready to fight.)
    "Look, you make a good living but you don't have any wealth. Blacks are more than 50% of our local population and you can't find ONE solid man for the job? As long as you settle for "someone Black" without having standards you will always be at the bottom asking for an opportunity(no matter how much you make at the refinery)", I said.

    Obama doesn't have the same impact on my life as do our local politicians.
    When I'm called a 'Tom' because I don't just blindly support the status quo, I start to cussin'.
    "Motha' Fucka'! I deal with Nigga's you're either afraid of our who you think you're too good for EVERY DAY.", I recently said to a local political leader.
    "Yo ass is the one sucking that dick just so you can have a title.", I continued.
    Right now, I'm not that popular with many of those who imagine themselves as effective leaders down here.

  3. We can talk about them but it has to be amongst ourselves. What we think of our own is not for public consumption as we seem them as being family.

    Now would you go and discuss your family problems on TV with people who think your family is shit anyways? NO.. so it's the same thing here.

    Criticize the politics but leave the man out of it and you'll be alright. The problem is people start off with Black politicians and blow it out of proportion while white politicians can do the same thing and it's just not talked about.

    That's why your mama told you to watch what you say in public. Because most of the problems we have are familial or tribal as you say it.

  4. I heard audio of Kwame giving an speach to a black crowd where he said they were out to get him because he is black... the black crowd bood him out of the place.
