Monday, March 21, 2011


Couldn't Bethune-Cookman University get Black men who actually have degrees as the hosts for their National Summit of the Black Males in High Education Think Tank? Steve Harvey and Al Sharpton?
All they had to do was add Tyler Perry and they would have had their Three Pimps Roundtable set.
What about Corey Booker, or Kenneth Chenault, or Ronald A Williams, or.... anyone with a degree from an institution of higher learning.


  1. Wait, forget The degrees... you say Steve Harvey in a THINK tank!? I wonder what Boss lady and Bullethead think of this?

  2. Man no one but Smart people want to see Cory Booker. If you want dumb people to think about education you need to find dumb people.

    Even in education you need Star Power. It doesn't make Sense but it make Cent$.

  3. But FreeMan - it's sponsored by a UNIVERSITY - where smart people are supposed to be.

  4. Yeah the smart people are supposed to be there but they want the ignorant to attend. So it brings attention to the university by increasing enrollment of the ignorant which goes back to their bottomline.

  5. Yeah... I guess you're right. (But SH and AS?)

  6. What do you want Ice Cube & Tupac? Mfers were trying to get them to get people to vote so what's the difference.

  7. Yeah... I noticed that this past week at a church and a club and at a social event - it's all about The Vote.
    At every venue people were reminding people to register and vote and pointing out that we (Black here) now have the power and that we don't want to give it back.
    When I pointed out that I'd vote for a good candiadate regardless of race people got upset.
    When I brought up a recent FBI sting involving local leaders the people blamed the FBI.
    People know their leaders are corrupt but they don't care as long as he's seen as one of their own.
    My neighborhood is littered with judges and politicians but I put signs in my yard for the candidates which will best serve my needs not those who only want an opportunity to rob local coffers like white politicians who came before them.
    When I was called out by a neighbor I pointed out that he was only looking out for his OWN short term interests and not those of his children or his children's children.
    Too many people are willing to take a short term loss at the expence of a long tern win as long as someone Black is in control.
