Monday, February 14, 2011

Now What?

 What will they do now?
Do they have any direction, any leadership, any ideas on improving their lots in life?
 Sure, Egypt is as giddy as were many in the US after the inauguration of Barack Obama - but does anyone know how to run the country?
 The Million Man March brought many people together with ideas on how to make things better - but does anyone in Egypt have the power to make lasting changes?
What Now?
What Next?


  1. I believe I read somewhere that Egypt has the second largest economy in the middle East. The first being Saudi Arabia.

  2. Now we wait and see who the young replacement military puppet appointee will be..,

  3. All rebellion comes with shortsightedness. The solution is not the reason for the rebellion... the rebellion is stop the current way from moving forward.

    They'll figure it out but as long as hell is over they are willing to deal with the hell they created for themselves.
