Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No One Left To Conquer

 The recent unrest in the Middle East and North Africa should have been expected.
When a population outgrows the limits of it's traditional institutions - new institutions must take over.
But these countries may be better off than us.
Most don't have the technology to destroy themselves on the same scale as America processes.
Judging by our avarice - maybe our American society has reached it's peak in it's value to mankind.

 Like other countries, cultures, and societies before us - maybe we are doomed to repeat the cycles of the past.
Without a change in values, morality (not necessarily those of Christian churches), and consciousness - maybe we have just come to the end of our part in the evolutionary cycle.
Maybe Revelations (and Charlton Heston) was telling the truth.


  1. What the other societies didn't have was a way to steer/manipulate the public. The key technology is the TV and before that the radio.

    As long as you have a horn to tell people what to do and a way to demean those against you can tell the public that life is about a house and 5000 sqft lot.

    So while America's architectural feats are adolescent in comparison. Technology is probably the key advancement of the US and it's use to manipulate it's masses. Technology alone is enough as we are on blogs talking about the country instead of organizing a coup right?

  2. It's just odd that the amount of 'knowledge' at ones figertips seems limitless but the depth of this knowledge seems pretty shallow.
    I just wonder how those in New Zeland are handling their earthquake?
    Is it as bad as Haiti?
    Do people still; know how to handle themselves?
