Thursday, February 10, 2011

Killing A Cop

NO ONE would like to kill a cop.
Everyone would like for their police department to act in a non-discriminant fashion and making sure that everyone was given equal justice.
Everyone would like for those in power to treat such power as a great responsibility requiring that those given such authority to think and act even better than the common citizenry.
Everyone would like for those on their police force to be humble, noble and  just.
But in real life, this is not the case.
Many people cannot understand the support of those in the "Stop Snitching" (SS) camp.
But what many people don't understand is that even the SS people would like to see a guilty person pay for his crimes.
People in the SS camp don't like crime.
They would like safe streets and neighborhoods just as much as those who live out in the suburbs.
But the problem is that many in the SS camp have seen their police departments abuse their power.
Many have seen too many innocent men go to jail.
Many have seen too many men receive excessive punishments for misdemeanor crimes.
Many have seen police officers treat others with a lack of respect.
Many have seen the violation of ones civil rights just because an officer thought a person to be guilty.
The SS camp isn't against the idea of a police force - they are against the idea of an unfair and oppressive police force and judicial system.

The recent shooting of Rep. Giffords, the police shootings around the country and the world's reaction to American troops all come down to one thing - a perceived abuse of power.
When an institution no longer has the trust of those it serves - those being served no longer respect the authority of that institution.
The institution becomes an oppressive enemy which must them be eliminated.

Some say that we should just bomb Iraq and Iran.
Because they don't do what we tell them to do?
Some say that we should just burn down the ghetto.
Didn't many from the group in power create the conditions which allowed to ghettos to exist in the first place?

If we want to be treated in an honorable way - we must be honorable.
We cannot rule with an iron fist killing those who do not see things as we see them.
(All this does is create even more enemies to battle.)
If we expect those in the ghetto to respect the authority of those in the police department - the police department must act in a respectable manner.


  1. My thoughts are that the problem begins when the government criminalizes poverty.

  2. Lead by example and I think the followers will back the truth. Like you pointed out it's not like they don't want justice in the ghetto it's just the devils doling it out are devils.

    In LA they send the Ex-Marines in to be Sheriffs and they all live in Simi Valley. So these guys come in with a chip on their shoulder overreacting to teenagers who really are more bark than bite. But, since they overdo it the teenagers with their fear would rather meet the reaper with a reapers weapon.

    @Desert Flower - Poverty creates criminals as the strong will find a way out of it one way or another. The government is right to worry about it as once the impoverished hit critical mass then you have the makings of a rebellion.

  3. @ DF: Like in Eqypt.

  4. @ Desertflower = "...Like in Egypt."
    Yep, exactly.
    America should expect the anger directed towards it.
    It's not as though America (or many of those who are in power at smaller, more local levels of government) didn't have a hand in creating many of the problems which we are now dealing.
    When the chickens me home to roost we should not be shocked at all.
