Friday, February 11, 2011

Great Fortunes

People always say that they'd like to be rich - but at what cost?
Has anyone ever obtained fame and fortune without having to humiliate himself?
Has anyone ever obtained a great fortune without having to subjugate others?
Are the only two choices in creating a fortune to;
1) Make a fool of oneself?
2) Treat everyone else like fools?


  1. I don't care UBJ! I don't care! I wanna be rich!!!

  2. I think your critique is more applicable to fame than fortune... they are not the same but many, MANY, confuse the two.

  3. All business comes down to exploiting others to some degree. The whole idea of selling something you obtained for 10 cents and selling it for a dollar is indeed treating others like a fool.

    The difference between fame and fortune is one got it on TV and the other probably owns the TV station.

  4. @ Desertflower - Sure, most people do - but at what cost?
    How much would you lower your standards in an effort to get what you THINK you want?
    Would you live a life of suffering to get wealth?
    Would you sell your soul?
    Would you kill someone?

    @ brohammas - No, not at all. The crimes commited by many wealthy people make the local thugs seem like angels by comparison.
    Is the wealth of any big church without blemish?
    Can any king or queen say that they've gotten their crown without harming others?
    Can any country say that it never came into being without killing and subjugating those who were there first?
    Even at the entertainment level - "Clown or be Clowned" seems to be the way to make great sums of money.

    @ FreeMan - Yeah, "Clown or be clowned".
