Sunday, February 20, 2011

Conspiracy Theory #2

 As vaccinations have been discounted by many as being the cause of rising Autism rates - maybe the answer is something simple.
 Maybe it could be something working on an even smaller scale.
Maybe the exposure to BPA's is the cause. (Especially in baby formula and bottles.)
Maybe it is the rise in C-Sections.

In all honesty, I don't know.
But as we strive to make our lives more and more convenient - maybe we are robbing our bodies of some stage of natural development.


  1. I agree! Something is wrong.
    I just posted an interesting video a doctor sent me about the oftentimes unnecessary psychiatric labeling and medicating of children.
    I remember when my first son was born, it was almost mandatory for the hospital to give you an injection to dry up milk production and then they pushed the Similac formula on you. Women then were just not informed about breast feeding. Pharmaceuticals benefited greatly from this although my son and I suffered as he was allergic to this product.
    I still do not discount blaming vaccinations for many ills.

  2. Or maybe its the fact that what "qualified" as autism was broadened therefore creating a rise in rates without an actual increase of the syptoms or "new" cases.
    Numbers are only as good as the method in which they are obtained.

  3. I have to 2nd Brohammas as that seems to be real reason for the rise.

    The more unnatural birth becomes with drugs, ultrasounds and testing the more what GOD created a impenetrable sack of protection becomes contaminated.

  4. and of course statistics collected in a haphazard way to give "rise"to these disorders, will always greatly benefit the pharmaceuticals won't they? What a coincidence...

    Now I'm not saying that the pharmaceutical's greed is necessarily a bad thing. I myself have been given a still somewhat experimental chemical against cancer, and I'm thankful, because it seems to be developing a good reputation, and I'm sure it helped me.
    BUT, in children, it's sad to see a line of kids at a school lunchroom lined up waiting to get their dosage of anti ADHD meds. I've also heard a lot of moms just plain not wanting to deal with their kids natural activity levels, and taking them in to be diagnosed with ADHD and medicated which the pharmaceuticals are only too $$$$ happy about!!
    More care should be taken with diagnosing children.

  5. I've heard autism occurs mainly in boys, so maybe it's due to the rise in circumcisions and the stress hormones produced when...

    My point is speculation is just speculation and correlation isn't always the same as causation so until real evidence comes in, you just have to live your life the best way you can.

  6. @ Desertflower - Exactly the point. The closer we can stay to nature the better.

    @ brohammas - And what qualifies as "Autism' is covered by insurance companies who have to buy medicines from Big-Pharma.

    @ FreeMan - Yep.

    @ Desertflower - More care should be taken with the diagnosis of EVERYONE.

    @ Curious - Yeah... as I said, I don't know the cause of the increased rates either.

  7. I have a cousin who has identical twin boys - one is mostly non verbal autistic & the other is not. Not sure how that is explained, but I truly believe that just because science has not found the connection between autism and vaccinations does not mean the connection doesn't exist.
