Friday, February 11, 2011

The Average of Beauty

Clear skin, white teath, full lips, large eyes, small noses with a visible bridge, thick hair, light to medium skin tone ...
Most men find these traits to be the most attrative in a woman.
Fit bodies are also a plus. (But depending on ones prevailing culture, what constitutes 'fitness' is largely subjective.)


  1. Obviously, a lot of this is sexual selection, which, yes, varies with the local populations. However, there is some interesting evidence that something deep within the genes twists appearance and behavior together. Witness the domesticated foxes breeding program in the former Soviet Union, where in the tame fox develops the puppy looks, curly tails, and expressive ears of dogs. Some have suggested a similar link in humans, perhaps between melanin expression and domestication.

    (And I disagree with the light-to-medium skin tone. I think you can find many cultures that do not select for that. And besides there is no shortage of very dark complected women that are gorgeously, heart-achingly, stunningly beautiful).

  2. John Kurman said:

    1) I disagree with the light-to-medium skin tone. I think you can find many cultures that do not select for that.

    2) besides there is no shortage of very dark complected women that are gorgeously, heart-achingly, stunningly beautiful.

    Menelik says:

    finally, a white guy who gets it! Good on ya, mate!

    M. Charles
    London UK

  3. @ Desertflower - Por que?

    @ JK - Oh I know - even within much of the African-American community itself.
    It seems that here in the South a lot of lighter guys end up with darker women in an effort to breed darker (medium-tone) children and darker women seem to favor the lighter guys.

    @ Menelik - Yeah... He always has thoughtful answers.

  4. UBJ: Por que es fair for those of us that do not fit that type.

  5. The golden ratio?

    @John - do you have a theory on how your statement regarding foxes applies to humans?
