Monday, February 28, 2011

"The Ant Bully"

 That's what a doorman called me.
Because I'm amused when people who think that they are important get offended by the simplest of slights.

Sometimes I'll put two cherries on one drink while placing only one on the others belonging to a group of women.
To most people this is no big deal.
Sometimes I'll put a cosmo in a more decorated glass while giving the rest of the women in the party the standard glassware.
To most people this is no big deal.

But maybe club women are different.
Maybe women who frequent night clubs have a need to feel special.
I really don't know, but it's funny to watch a group of women getting upset that one member of their group might be getting something perceived as being only slightly better.


  1. Man... with all the homework you assign, I'm still working my way up to even opening that book.

  2. Gurdjieff's superstar ant-bully status is vividly recounted in nearly all the memoirs of his followers...,

    When you opt for the darkside and begin recruiting and retaining "followers" instead of just shearing the wool off of "clients" - you'll already have all the science on lock!

  3. I had too many minions at home but I was interested in all the wrong things.
    Much better just to keep things simple in this small town.

  4. the "mystery" is what keeps'em interested...,

  5. Yep, even when I was mean to them or when they acted in ways which were not in their best interest - they still stayed.
    The best thing (for them) for me to do was leave.
