Friday, January 21, 2011

Rookie Year

 Maybe Barack Obama was playing chess while the rest of the world was still trying to figure out how to play checkers.
Maybe Mr. Obama was winning at a more cerebral game of Jeopardy while the rest of the world was fixated with the higher paying, yet more simple, game of Wheel of Fortune.
But isn't that just the way of the world?
Isn't it intended for most people to be followers while only a few can vie for the position of Supreme Leader?

Sure, many (Myself included) were upset at the apparent ineffectiveness of Obama's leadership skills - but he now seems to be finding his rhythm as a leader.
But this is nothing new.
It took Tiger Woods a couple of years until he was able to pull off his "Tiger Slam".
And it took Michael Jordan even longer to win an NBA championship.
Didn't the attention heaped on Mr. Woods cause those who had been on The Tour for years (or even decades) to complain that he was garnering too much attention or too much praise and adulation?
Didn't established players in the NBA attempt to 'Freeze Out" Mike during his first All Star Game?
While each would go on to dominate his discipline - each was forced to deal with those who refused to accept their secondary status - that their type of play was now obsolete.

Mike's situation may be more similar to Mr Obama's.
Each had to work with members of their teams.
Each was surrounded by inferior talents who needed to be replaced by others who could better compliment his style of play.
Maybe now is the time for Mr. Obama to create the change he promised during the election season.
Maybe now Mr Obama has found out that even the most charismatic leaders are hated and adored by equal amounts of people.
Maybe Mr Obama will stop worrying about making friends and will now focus on making progress.

1 comment:

  1. When you aren't sure they don't like you, you try to be understanding. But, when you find out they straight hate you, you proceed to get things done knowing no matter how hard you try it will never be peace.

    I think BrObama will be more shrewd as even the weak democrats didn't have his back. Now it's time to make deals with no true affiliation but your original plan.

    He will get a lot done as he has already without people paying attention.
