Sunday, January 2, 2011


 Fear is more like it.
 Why else would some be offended by seeing LeBron posed with Heidi Klum?
 Or Kim with Reggie?
 Even a 'good Black guy' could be seen as a threat to Nordic superiority when...
he just goes wild.


  1. Gotta spread that joy baaby! ;)

  2. The problem is when the taboo you helped to create intrigues your own daughters! People aren't mad it's just the imagery of strength and virility has shifted to another group. It's the oxymoron of prejudice that sooner or later you end wanting what you have been restricted from having.

  3. There has been no shift. The taboo of white womw/black men, and even black male virility, was firmly in place in colonial America.
    Slaves had to be harshly controlled, in part to "protect" defendless white girls.

    Of course no one was allowed to defend defensless black girls, but thats another story.

  4. "Of course no one was allowed to defend defensless black girls, but thats another story." Brohammas

    Nah there's always been a white knight in shining armour on his horse to save them from a bad world - even if he's been a rare minority.

    Happy New Year To All.

  5. I've always wondered what it is about that pasty flesh that drives my brothers wild.

    Now Reggie, his choice I a certain extend.
