Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nigga' Please

 Called a "Nigger".
 Called a "Nigger".
 Called a "Nigger".
Called themselves "Nigga's".

The only Negroes offended by the word "Nigga'" are those who still think of themselves as being Niggers.
Those who still think that they have something to prove.
Those who still feel inferior and feel as though, in reality, they are not even close to being good enough.
Those who use self-aggrandizing titles or names to prove their worth.
Those who bought into the belief that having more material goods is more important than having good character.
Those who only wish to be accepted by those they pretend to hate (When in reality all they do is emulate those same people.).
Those who are not really mad at an oppressive system - only that they are the ones being oppressed by said system.
But what do you think of when someone calls you a "Nigga'"?
What about a "Nigger"?
What do you think when you call someone else a "Nigga'"?
What about when you call someone else a "Nigger"?

If thinking that the actions of another are somehow 'seeting us back 100 years' - maybe your way of thinking is still 100 years in the past.

1 comment:

  1. there are no words that offend me,fat, ugly lazy...lettings words hurt you is stuped
