Monday, January 17, 2011


Why does every question involving 'race' revolve around the treatment of of Black people?
Why is it so important that Blacks be equal?
Being only 13% of the total US population - why should the plight of Blacks in America even matter to those who are not Black?
Didn't the Civil Rights Movement and the election of Barack Obama solve all of America's racial problems?

In most countries - 'Blacks' are treated poorly.
Even within many racial groups the pratice of Pigmentocracy is often the most overt form of colorism.
Too many, being dark is considered a bad thing and referring to ones darkness is often thought of as a racist slight.
But if 'Blacks' are the minority - why should others even bother to care?
If the those who are thought to be the worst are treated fairly - how much better would it be for everyone else?

If those who are so lightly regarded still have equal access to resources - how much easier would it be for others to do well?
If 'the worst' among us could excell - how low would our crime rates be?
How good would our school systems be?
How fair would our judicial systems be?
How much better would society function?
Is this not the true American Dream?
Is not the plight of 'the least' of paramount concern for us all?
Even if done for selfish reasons - wouldn't the elimination of ghettos and a ghetto mentality be better for everyone?

1 comment:

  1. Well like you said Racism being tied into Blacks is really a measuring stick to all the other races who are quietly watching the canary in the mine!

    See a logical mind like yours sees to get rid of the plight makes the world better. BUT, the fact that there are other forces and tribal reasoning behind a lot of what this country is built on is the key factor that retards what it Constitutionally claims itself to be.
